Buildah : Create images from Scratch2021/07/30 |
Create container images from an empty container image.
[1] | Start to create with [scratch] image. |
# create an empty container with [scratch] [root@dlp ~]# newcontainer=$(buildah from scratch) [root@dlp ~]# buildah containers CONTAINER ID BUILDER IMAGE ID IMAGE NAME CONTAINER NAME 28ae0a676f16 * 333da17614b6 rockylinux-working-container 2dc9c34b8aa8 * 333da17614b6 rockylinux-working-container-1 51793f2c03d3 * scratch working-container # mount [scratch] container [root@dlp ~]# scratchmnt=$(buildah mount $newcontainer) [root@dlp ~]# echo $scratchmnt /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/7a90ab4f3df524428878260c544bcd403b2b77ed7e386867814fba546071e504/merged # install packages to [scratch] container [root@dlp ~]# dnf -y group install "Minimal Install" --releasever=8 --installroot=$scratchmnt
# unmount [root@dlp ~]# buildah umount $newcontainer 51793f2c03d3516e084a0cbfdc83cc0dd1d492344bc570ca9517881a343c1137 # run container [root@dlp ~]# buildah run $newcontainer bash [root@51793f2c03d3 /]# [root@51793f2c03d3 /]# cat /etc/os-release NAME="Rocky Linux" VERSION="8.4 (Green Obsidian)" ID="rocky" ID_LIKE="rhel fedora" VERSION_ID="8.4" PLATFORM_ID="platform:el8" PRETTY_NAME="Rocky Linux 8.4 (Green Obsidian)" ANSI_COLOR="0;32" CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:rocky:rocky:8.4:GA" HOME_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" ROCKY_SUPPORT_PRODUCT="Rocky Linux" ROCKY_SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION="8"
[root@51793f2c03d3 /]#
# add images [root@dlp ~]# buildah commit $newcontainer rockylinux-minimum:latest Getting image source signatures ... ... Writing manifest to image destination Storing signatures 149ada9bc2680d702f8c56023977abe343d2055cc2c7e3de4c11a7707e809aab[root@dlp ~]# buildah images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE localhost/rockylinux-minimum latest 149ada9bc268 53 seconds ago 1.42 GB localhost/my-rockylinux latest 5820cb7173a9 14 minutes ago 282 MB latest 333da17614b6 5 weeks ago 234 MB |
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