CentOS Stream 9
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SQL Server 2022 : Use with Ruby2023/11/30

This is an example to use SQL Server with Ruby.
[1] This is based on the environment Ruby has been installed.
Additionally, Install other required packages.
# install from EPEL

[root@dlp ~]#
dnf -y install gcc make ruby-devel freetds-devel

[2] This is a basic usage example of SQL Server on PHP.
# install [tiny_tds]

[centos@dlp ~]$
gem install tiny_tds
# sample database for testing

sqlcmd -S localhost -U centos -d SampleDB3 -Q 'select * from dbo.SampleTable;'

ID          First_Name           Last_Name
----------- -------------------- ---------------------
          1 CentOS               Linux
          2 Debian               Linux
          3 RedHat               Linux

(3 rows affected)

[centos@dlp ~]$
vi use_mssql.rb
require 'tiny_tds'
client = TinyTds::Client.new username: 'centos', password: 'P@ssw0rd01',
host: 'localhost', port: 1433,
database: 'SampleDB3', azure:false

# Select data from SampleTable
results = client.execute("select * from SampleTable;")
results.each do |row|
puts row

# Insert data into SampleTable
puts "\nInserting into SampleTable... \n\n"
results = client.execute("insert SampleTable (First_Name, Last_Name) values ('Windows', 'Microsoft' )")
results.each do |row|
puts row

# Update data in SampleTable
puts "Updating 'Last_Name' for user CentOS \n\n"
results = client.execute("update SampleTable set Last_Name = 'Stream' where First_Name = 'CentOS'")
results.each do |row|
puts row

results = client.execute("select * from SampleTable;")
results.each do |row|
puts row

# Delete data in SampleTable
puts "\nDeleting user 'Windows' \n"
results = client.execute("delete from SampleTable where First_Name = 'Windows';")
results.each do |row|
puts row

[centos@dlp ~]$
ruby use_mssql.rb

{"ID"=>1, "First_Name"=>"CentOS", "Last_Name"=>"Linux"}
{"ID"=>2, "First_Name"=>"Debian", "Last_Name"=>"Linux"}
{"ID"=>3, "First_Name"=>"RedHat", "Last_Name"=>"Linux"}

Inserting into SampleTable...

Updating 'Last_Name' for user CentOS

{"ID"=>1, "First_Name"=>"CentOS", "Last_Name"=>"Stream"}
{"ID"=>2, "First_Name"=>"Debian", "Last_Name"=>"Linux"}
{"ID"=>3, "First_Name"=>"RedHat", "Last_Name"=>"Linux"}
{"ID"=>4, "First_Name"=>"Windows", "Last_Name"=>"Microsoft"}

Deleting user 'Windows'

[centos@dlp ~]$
sqlcmd -S localhost -U centos -d SampleDB3 -Q 'select * from dbo.SampleTable;'

ID          First_Name          Last_Name
----------- ------------------- ---------------------
          1 CentOS              Stream
          2 Debian              Linux
          3 RedHat              Linux

(3 rows affected)
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