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初期設定 : 拡張モジュール追加する2019/01/14

[1] 例として、コンテナーモジュールを追加します。
# 現在インストールされている拡張モジュールを表示

dlp:~ #
zypper products

Refreshing service 'Basesystem_Module_15_x86_64'.
Refreshing service 'SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_15_x86_64'.
Refreshing service 'Server_Applications_Module_15_x86_64'.
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
S  | Repository                            | Internal Name                  | Name                            | Version | Arch   | Is Base
i+ | SLE-Module-Basesystem15-Pool          | sle-module-basesystem          | Basesystem Module               | 15-0    | x86_64 | No
i+ | SLE-Module-Server-Applications15-Pool | sle-module-server-applications | Server Applications Module      | 15-0    | x86_64 | No
i+ | SLE-Product-SLES15-Pool               | SLES                           | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 | 15-0    | x86_64 | Yes

# 追加可能な拡張モジュールを表示

dlp:~ #
SUSEConnect --list-extensions


    Basesystem Module 15 x86_64 (Installed)
    Deactivate with: SUSEConnect -d -p sle-module-basesystem/15/x86_64

        Containers Module 15 x86_64 (Activated)
        Activate with: SUSEConnect    -p sle-module-containers/15/x86_64

        Desktop Applications Module 15 x86_64
        Activate with: SUSEConnect    -p sle-module-desktop-applications/15/x86_64

            Development Tools Module 15 x86_64
            Activate with: SUSEConnect    -p sle-module-development-tools/15/x86_64

            SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension 15 x86_64
            Activate with: SUSEConnect    -p sle-we/15/x86_64 -r ADDITIONAL REGCODE

        SUSE Cloud Application Platform Tools Module 15 x86_64
        Activate with: SUSEConnect    -p sle-module-cap-tools/15/x86_64

        SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching 15 x86_64
        Activate with: SUSEConnect    -p sle-module-live-patching/15/x86_64 -r ADDITIONAL REGCODE

        SUSE Package Hub 15 x86_64
        Activate with: SUSEConnect    -p PackageHub/15/x86_64

        Server Applications Module 15 x86_64 (Installed)
        Deactivate with: SUSEConnect -d -p sle-module-server-applications/15/x86_64

            Legacy Module 15 x86_64
            Activate with: SUSEConnect    -p sle-module-legacy/15/x86_64

            Public Cloud Module 15 x86_64
            Activate with: SUSEConnect    -p sle-module-public-cloud/15/x86_64

            SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15 x86_64
            Activate with: SUSEConnect    -p sle-ha/15/x86_64 -r ADDITIONAL REGCODE

            Web and Scripting Module 15 x86_64
            Activate with: SUSEConnect    -p sle-module-web-scripting/15/x86_64


You can find more information about available modules here:

# 例として コンテナーモジュールを追加

dlp:~ #
SUSEConnect -p sle-module-containers/15/x86_64

Registered sle-module-containers 15 x86_64
To server:
Successfully registered system.

# 確認

dlp:~ #
zypper products

Refreshing service 'Basesystem_Module_15_x86_64'.
Refreshing service 'Containers_Module_15_x86_64'.
Refreshing service 'SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_15_x86_64'.
Refreshing service 'Server_Applications_Module_15_x86_64'.
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
S  | Repository                            | Internal Name                  | Name                            | Version | Arch   | Is Base
i+ | SLE-Module-Basesystem15-Pool          | sle-module-basesystem          | Basesystem Module               | 15-0    | x86_64 | No
i+ | SLE-Module-Containers15-Pool          | sle-module-containers          | Containers Module               | 15-0    | x86_64 | No
i+ | SLE-Module-Server-Applications15-Pool | sle-module-server-applications | Server Applications Module      | 15-0    | x86_64 | No
i+ | SLE-Product-SLES15-Pool               | SLES                           | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 | 15-0    | x86_64 | Yes

# プロダクトのが概要を表示

dlp:~ #
zypper product-info sle-module-containers

Refreshing service 'Basesystem_Module_15_x86_64'.
Refreshing service 'Containers_Module_15_x86_64'.
Refreshing service 'SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_15_x86_64'.
Refreshing service 'Server_Applications_Module_15_x86_64'.
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

Information for product sle-module-containers:
Repository          : SLE-Module-Containers15-Pool
Name                : sle-module-containers
Version             : 15-0
Arch                : x86_64
Vendor              : SUSE LLC <>
End of Support      : 2020-06-30
Flavor              : module
Is Base             : No
Installed           : Yes
Status              : up-to-date
Update Repositories : ---
CPE Name            : cpe:2.3:o:suse:sle-module-containers:15:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
Short Name          : Containers-Module
Summary             : Containers Module
Description         :
    <p>This Module contains several packages revolving around containers
            and related tools. </p>