Snappy : स्थापित करना2023/09/04 |
Snappy स्थापित करें जो एक सॉफ़्टवेयर परिनियोजन और पैकेज प्रबंधन प्रणाली है।
[1] | Snap पैकेज का उपयोग करने के लिए Snapd इंस्टॉल करें और चलाएँ। |
root@dlp:~# apt -y install snapd systemctl enable snapd.service snapd.socket root@dlp:~# source /etc/profile.d/ |
[2] | Basic usage of [Snap] command. |
# स्थापित पैकेजों की सूची बनाएं root@dlp:~# snap list Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes core20 20220719 1587 latest/stable canonical✓ base lxd 5.0.0-b0287c1 22923 5.0/stable/.. canonical✓ disabled snapd 2.56.2 16292 latest/stable canonical✓ snapd # स्नैप रिपॉजिटरी में शब्दों के साथ पैकेज खोजें root@dlp:~# snap find kubernetes Name Version Publisher Notes Summary kubernetes-worker 0.0.2 canonical✓ - A complete Kubernetes worker kubernetes-test 1.24.4 canonical✓ classic tests for kubernetes kubernetes-test-eks 1.10.3 canonical-cloud-snaps classic tests for kubernetes microk8s v1.24.3 canonical✓ classic Kubernetes for workstations and appliances ..... ..... # [hello-world] पैकेज स्थापित करें root@dlp:~# snap install hello-world hello-world 6.4 from Canonical✓ installed snap list Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes core 16-2.56.2 13425 latest/stable canonical✓ core core20 20220805 1611 latest/stable canonical✓ base hello-world 6.4 29 latest/stable canonical✓ - lxd 5.0.0-b0287c1 22923 5.0/stable/.. canonical✓ disabled snapd 2.56.2 16292 latest/stable canonical✓ snapd # पैकेज की जानकारी दिखाएँ root@dlp:~# snap info hello-world name: hello-world summary: The 'hello-world' of snaps publisher: Canonical✓ store-url: contact: license: unset description: | This is a simple hello world example. commands: - hello-world.env - hello-world.evil - hello-world - snap-id: buPKUD3TKqCOgLEjjHx5kSiCpIs5cMuQ tracking: latest/stable refresh-date: today at 06:22 UTC channels: latest/stable: 6.4 2019-04-17 (29) 20kB - latest/candidate: 6.4 2019-04-17 (29) 20kB - latest/beta: 6.4 2019-04-17 (29) 20kB - latest/edge: 6.4 2019-04-17 (29) 20kB - installed: 6.4 (29) 20kB - # एप्लिकेशन चलाएँ root@dlp:~# hello-world Hello World! # पथ दिखाएँ root@dlp:~# which hello-world /snap/bin/hello-world
ll /snap/bin/hello-world lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Aug 30 06:22 /snap/bin/hello-world -> /usr/bin/snap* # एप्लिकेशन अक्षम करें root@dlp:~# snap disable hello-world hello-world disabled snap list Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes core 16-2.56.2 13425 latest/stable canonical✓ core core20 20220805 1611 latest/stable canonical✓ base hello-world 6.4 29 latest/stable canonical✓ disabled lxd 5.0.0-b0287c1 22923 5.0/stable/.. canonical✓ disabled snapd 2.56.2 16292 latest/stable canonical✓ snapd
hello-world -bash: /snap/bin/hello-world: No such file or directory # एप्लिकेशन सक्षम करें root@dlp:~# snap enable hello-world hello-world enabled
hello-world Hello World! # किसी एप्लिकेशन को अनइंस्टॉल करें root@dlp:~# snap remove hello-world hello-world removed snap list Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes core 16-2.56.2 13425 latest/stable canonical✓ core core20 20220805 1611 latest/stable canonical✓ base lxd 5.0.0-b0287c1 22923 5.0/stable/.. canonical✓ disabled snapd 2.56.2 16292 latest/stable canonical✓ snapd |
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