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Kubernetes : नोड्स जोड़ें2023/09/04

मौजूदा Kubernetes क्लस्टर में नए नोड्स जोड़ें।
यह उदाहरण निम्न प्रकार के वातावरण पर आधारित है और इसमें एक नया नोड [snode03.srv.world] जोड़ें।
           |                           |                          |
       eth0|              eth0|             eth0|
+----------+-----------+   +-----------+-----------+   +-----------+-----------+
|  [ ctrl.srv.world ]  |   |  [snode01.srv.world]  |   |  [snode02.srv.world]  |
|     Control Plane    |   |      Worker Node      |   |      Worker Node      |
+----------------------+   +-----------------------+   +-----------------------+

[2] Control Plane नोड पर जॉइन कमांड की पुष्टि करें।
kubeadm token create --print-join-command

kubeadm join --token qwgblh.9kxwskja5sker8nt --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:6166ac8d73379081c2ca2b9625480b3f2cc992f571659e776b68d676e84cc3d9
[3] नए नोड पर जॉइन कमांड चलाएँ।
kubeadm join --token qwgblh.9kxwskja5sker8nt \
--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:6166ac8d73379081c2ca2b9625480b3f2cc992f571659e776b68d676e84cc3d9

[preflight] Running pre-flight checks
[preflight] Reading configuration from the cluster...
[preflight] FYI: You can look at this config file with 'kubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -o yaml'
[kubelet-start] Writing kubelet configuration to file "/var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml"
[kubelet-start] Writing kubelet environment file with flags to file "/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env"
[kubelet-start] Starting the kubelet
[kubelet-start] Waiting for the kubelet to perform the TLS Bootstrap...

This node has joined the cluster:
* Certificate signing request was sent to apiserver and a response was received.
* The Kubelet was informed of the new secure connection details.

Run 'kubectl get nodes' on the control-plane to see this node join the cluster.
[4] Control Plane नोड पर सेटिंग्स सत्यापित करें। यदि नए नोड की स्थिति [STATUS = Ready] में बदल जाती है तो यह ठीक है।
kubectl get nodes

NAME                STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION
ctrl.srv.world      Ready    control-plane   25h   v1.25.3
snode01.srv.world   Ready    <none>          25h   v1.25.3
snode02.srv.world   Ready    <none>          25h   v1.25.3
snode03.srv.world   Ready    <none>          85s   v1.25.3

kubectl get pods -A -o wide | grep snode03

kube-system   calico-node-762x8                          1/1     Running   0             117s        snode03.srv.world   <none>           <none>
kube-system   kube-proxy-lm25n                           1/1     Running   0             117s        snode03.srv.world   <none>           <none>
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