Ubuntu 22.04
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OpenStack Zed : How to use Swift2022/10/10

This section shows how to use Swift Storage from Clients.
This example is based on the environment like follows.
            |                             |               |
        eth0|                eth0|      |
+-----------+-----------+     +-----------+-----------+   |
|   [ dlp.srv.world ]   |     | [ network.srv.world ] |   |
|     (Control Node)    |     |      (Proxy Node)     |   |
|                       |     |                       |   |
|  MariaDB    RabbitMQ  |     |      Swift Proxy      |   |
|  Memcached  Nginx     |     |         Nginx         |   |
|  Keystone   httpd     |     |                       |   |
+-----------------------+     +-----------------------+   |
        eth0|                eth0|                eth0|
+-----------+-----------+     +-----------+-----------+     +-----------+-----------+
|  [snode01.srv.world]  |     |  [snode02.srv.world]  |     |  [snode03.srv.world]  |
|    (Storage Node#1)   |     |    (Storage Node#2)   |     |    (Storage Node#3)   |
|                       |     |                       |     |                       |
|     Swift-Account     |     |     Swift-Account     |     |     Swift-Account     |
|    Swift-Container    |     |    Swift-Container    |     |    Swift-Container    |
|     Swift-Object      |     |     Swift-Object      |     |     Swift-Object      |
+-----------------------+     +-----------------------+     +-----------------------+

[1] Add a user for using Swift on Keystone Control Node.
By the way, if you'd like to use Swift Quickly, it's unnecessary to add a new user, it's possible to use with existing admin or swift user on Keystone.
# create [swiftservice] project

root@dlp ~(keystone)#
openstack project create --domain default --description "Swift Service Project" swiftservice

| Field       | Value                            |
| description | Swift Service Project            |
| domain_id   | default                          |
| enabled     | True                             |
| id          | 846bb1bca3fb4bd2992bbcdea5952432 |
| is_domain   | False                            |
| name        | swiftservice                     |
| options     | {}                               |
| parent_id   | default                          |
| tags        | []                               |

# create [SwiftOperator] role

root@dlp ~(keystone)#
openstack role create SwiftOperator

| Field       | Value                            |
| description | None                             |
| domain_id   | None                             |
| id          | 2cb98abbb0a9473c8437fe4854b7bc27 |
| name        | SwiftOperator                    |
| options     | {}                               |

# add a user

root@dlp ~(keystone)#
openstack user create --domain default --project swiftservice --password userpassword swiftuser01

| Field               | Value                            |
| default_project_id  | 846bb1bca3fb4bd2992bbcdea5952432 |
| domain_id           | default                          |
| enabled             | True                             |
| id                  | 2d1bfa1933e74bb2805b474fe7361d5d |
| name                | swiftuser01                      |
| options             | {}                               |
| password_expires_at | None                             |

# add the user to [SwiftOperator] role

root@dlp ~(keystone)#
openstack role add --project swiftservice --user swiftuser01 SwiftOperator
[2] Work on a Client from here and later.
Install Keystoneclient, Swiftclient on a Client first.
apt -y install python3-openstackclient python3-keystoneclient python3-swiftclient
[3] Load environment variables first. ( it's the value for a user added in [1] )
vi ~/keystonerc_swift
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=default
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=swiftservice
export OS_USERNAME=swiftuser01
export OS_PASSWORD=userpassword
export OS_AUTH_URL=https://dlp.srv.world:5000/v3
export PS1='\u@\h \W(swift)\$ '
chmod 600 ~/keystonerc_swift

source ~/keystonerc_swift

ubuntu@client ~(swift)$
echo "source ~/keystonerc_swift " >> ~/.bash_profile
# verify status

ubuntu@client ~(swift)$
swift stat

               Account: AUTH_846bb1bca3fb4bd2992bbcdea5952432
            Containers: 0
               Objects: 0
                 Bytes: 0
          Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
           X-Timestamp: 1665382237.70588
       X-Put-Timestamp: 1665382237.70588
                  Vary: Accept
            X-Trans-Id: tx85604d2739d74ef1a73bf-006343b75d
X-Openstack-Request-Id: tx85604d2739d74ef1a73bf-006343b75d
[4] Create a Container for saving files.
ubuntu@client ~(swift)$
openstack container create test-container

| account                               | container      | x-trans-id                         |
| AUTH_846bb1bca3fb4bd2992bbcdea5952432 | test-container | txd2d1b00d09e54d92a75b2-006343b77a |

ubuntu@client ~(swift)$
openstack container list

| Name           |
| test-container |
[5] Upload a file on local to the Container.
# upload [testfile.txt]

ubuntu@client ~(swift)$
openstack object create test-container testfile.txt

| object       | container      | etag                             |
| testfile.txt | test-container | 40a2d0291c0a871c14968f178a55c74f |

ubuntu@client ~(swift)$
openstack object list test-container

| Name         |
| testfile.txt |
[6] Download a file from Swift Storage to local.
ubuntu@client ~(swift)$
rm testfile.txt
ubuntu@client ~(swift)$
openstack object save test-container testfile.txt

ubuntu@client ~(swift)$
total 8
-rw------- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  286 Oct 10 06:10 keystonerc_swift
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu  286 Oct 10 06:12 testfile.txt
[7] Delete a file on Swift Storage.
ubuntu@client ~(swift)$
openstack object delete test-container testfile.txt

ubuntu@client ~(swift)$
openstack object list test-container

# [testfile.txt] has been removed

[8] Delete a Container on Swift Storage.
ubuntu@client ~(swift)$
openstack container delete test-container

ubuntu@client ~(swift)$
openstack container list

# [test-container] has been removed
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