OpenStack Yoga : Pre-Requirements2022/04/29 |
This is the example of Cloud Computing by OpenStack Yoga.
Install some services that some components of OpenStack needs for system requirements on here.
This example is based on the environment like follows. eth0| +-----------+-----------+ | [ ] | | (Control Node) | | | | MariaDB RabbitMQ | | Memcached | +-----------------------+ |
[1] | |
[2] | |
[3] | Install RabbitMQ, Memcached, Nginx. |
apt -y install rabbitmq-server memcached python3-pymysql nginx libnginx-mod-stream # add a user to RabbitMQ # set any password for [password] root@dlp:~# rabbitmqctl add_user openstack password Creating user "openstack" ... root@dlp:~# rabbitmqctl set_permissions openstack ".*" ".*" ".*" Setting permissions for user "openstack" in vhost "/" ...
vi /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf # line 27 : change to the IP address mariadb listens # * if listen all, specify [] bind-address =
# line 40 : uncomment and change # default value 151 is not enough on Openstack Env max_connections = 500
vi /etc/memcached.conf # line 35 : change to the IP address memcached listens # * if listen all, specify [] -l
# disable default site on Nginx root@dlp:~# unlink /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
systemctl restart mariadb rabbitmq-server memcached nginx
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