Elastic Stack 8 : Install Kibana2022/11/09 |
Install Kibana which is the Data Visualization tool for Elasticsearch.
[1] |
Get SSL Certificate, or
Create self-signed Certificate.
It uses self signed Certificate on this example. |
[2] | Install Kibana. Configure Repository for Elasticsearch before it like here. |
cp /etc/ssl/private/{server.crt,server.key} /etc/kibana/ root@dlp:~# chown kibana /etc/kibana/{server.crt,server.key}
apt -y install kibana
# generate an enrollment token for Kibana root@dlp:~# /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token -s kibana eyJ2ZXIiOiI4LjUuMCIsImFkciI6WyIxMC4wLjAuMzA6OTIwMCJdLCJmZ3IiOiJmMmY4MzMwZDMxNGMwYzA2ZDVkNWQzZTI5MzQ2MzZhNmU2NTA2NGQ3M2Y4MTczZDM3NzI0YzUzOTlhMzRjYjc4Iiwia2V5IjoiMVpMY1dZUUJNZWxzRjJxVWsxTWc6RFJ2ZXhMM29Tb0tHQ0d4NVFQZVJ2USJ9 # setup Kibana root@dlp:~# /usr/share/kibana/bin/kibana-setup --enrollment-token \ eyJ2ZXIiOiI4LjUuMCIsImFkciI6WyIxMC4wLjAuMzA6OTIwMCJdLCJmZ3IiOiJmMmY4MzMwZDMxNGMwYzA2ZDVkNWQzZTI5MzQ2MzZhNmU2NTA2NGQ3M2Y4MTczZDM3NzI0YzUzOTlhMzRjYjc4Iiwia2V5IjoiMVpMY1dZUUJNZWxzRjJxVWsxTWc6RFJ2ZXhMM29Tb0tHQ0d4NVFQZVJ2USJ9 Kibana configured successfully. To start Kibana run: bin/kibana
vi /etc/kibana/kibana.yml # line 11 : if access to Kibana from other hosts, uncomment and change (listen all) server.host: " "
# line 26 : uncomment and specify the public URL of Kibana server server.publicBaseUrl: " https://dlp.srv.world:5601/ "
# line 32 : uncomment and change to your hostname server.name: " dlp.srv.world "
# line 37-39 : uncomment and change to your certificate server.ssl.enabled: true server.ssl.certificate: /etc/kibana/server.crt server.ssl.key: /etc/kibana/server.key
systemctl enable --now kibana
[3] | Access to [https://(server's Hostname or IP address):5601/] from any client computer, then Kibana login form is shown. It's possible to login with [elastic] user and password. That's OK if successfully login and Dashboard is shown like follows. |
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