Enable root user2015/04/24 |
The root user in Ubuntu is disabled by default because his password is not set. But if you'd like to use root user by some reason, enable it like follows.
[1] | Set root password. |
vervet@dlp:~$ Enter new UNIX password: # set root password Retype new UNIX password: # confirm passwd: password updated successfully vervet@dlp:~$ su - Password: # root password root@dlp:~# # just switched |
* |
The examples on this site show as a root user from now. If you use sudo, add "sudo" at the head of commands.
[2] | If you enable root, limit users to switch to root. |
vi /etc/pam.d/su # line 15: uncomment and add a group that can switch to root auth required pam_wheel.so group=adm
usermod -G adm vervet |
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