Apache Log Analyzer - Visitors2011/05/04 |
Install Visitors that is Apache Log analyzer
[1] | Install Visitors |
root@www:~# aptitude -y install visitors graphviz root@www:~# mkdir /var/www/visitors root@www:~# vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/default # add these lines <Location /visitors> Order Deny,Allow Deny from all Allow from # IP address you allow </Location> </VirtualHost> root@www:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart * Restarting web server apache2 ... waiting ...done. # generate a report root@www:~# visitors -A /var/log/apache2/access.log -o html > /var/www/visitors/index.html -- 101 lines processed in 1 seconds 0 invalid lines, 0 blacklisted referers # generate a page-visiting report root@www:~# visitors -A -m 30 /var/log/apache2/access.log -o html --trails --prefix http://www.srv.world > /var/www/visitors/trails.html -- 101 lines processed in 1 seconds 0 invalid lines, 0 blacklisted referers # generate a page visiting image root@www:~# visitors /var/log/apache2/access.log --prefix http://www.srv.world -V > /var/www/visitors/graph.dot -- 101 lines processed in 1 seconds 0 invalid lines, 0 blacklisted referers root@www:~# dot -Tpng /var/www/visitors/graph.dot > /var/www/visitors/graph.png |
[2] | Access to 'http://(your server's name or IP address)/visitors/', then following screeen is shown and it's possible to see Apache's logs. |
⇒ http://(your server's name or IP address)/visitors/graph.png |
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