Pound - Install/Configure2011/05/15 |
Install Pound to make the server load balancer.
This example shows to configure on the environment like follows
(1) www.srv.world [] Pound Server (2) www01.srv.world [] Web Server#1 ( receive requests to www.srv.world ) (3) www02.srv.world [] Web Server#2 ( receive requests to www.srv.world ) (4) www03.srv.world [] Web Server#3 ( receive requests to www.virtual.host ) (5) www04.srv.world [] Web Server#4 ( receive requests to anything except them above ) |
[1] | Install and Configure Pound |
[root@www ~]#
vi /etc/pound.cfg # line 13: add ( log level - max=5 ) LogLevel 3
# line 14: add ( Interval of heartbeat - seconds ) Alive 30
# line 21-25: make it comments # ListenHTTPS# Address Port 443# Cert "/etc/pki/tls/certs/pound.pem"# End
# for the requests to www.srv.world HeadRequire "Host: .*www.srv.world" BackEnd # backend server's IP address Address # backend server's port Port 80 End
BackEnd # backend server's IP address Address # backend server's port Port 80 End End
# for the requests to www.virtual.host HeadRequire "Host: .*www.virtual.host" BackEnd # backend server's IP address Address # backend server's port Port 80 End End
# for the requests to anything except them avobe HeadRequire "Host: .*" BackEnd # backend server's IP address Address # backend server's port Port 80 End End /etc/rc.d/init.d/pound start Starting Pound: starting... [ OK ] [root@www ~]# chkconfig pound on
[2] | Access to the Pound Server ( www.srv.world ) with Web browser and make sure www01.srv.world answers like follows. |
[3] | Shutdown www01.srv.world by manually, then www02.srv.world answers like follows. |
[4] | Access to the URI www.virtual.host, then www03.srv.world answers like follows. |
[5] | Access to the IP address directly, then www04.srv.world answered. |
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