Puppet : How to use [file Resource]2024/09/12 |
This is the examples for [file] resource. |
[1] | It manages the configuration to keep a file like follows. If the file is none on Puppet client, it is created. If exists, it keeps with the specified attributes. |
root@dlp:~ #
vi /usr/local/etc/puppet/code/environments/production/manifests/site.pp file { '/home/testfile.txt': ensure => file, owner => 'root', group => 'wheel', mode => '0644', content => 'This is the puppet test file.', } |
[2] | Specify the contents with variable. |
root@dlp:~ #
vi /usr/local/etc/puppet/code/environments/production/manifests/file01.pp $contents = 'This is the test Puppet manifest. Sample contents Test contents ' file { '/home/testfile2.txt': ensure => file, owner => 'root', group => 'wheel', mode => '0644', content => "$contents", } |
[3] | Specify the source file on the Puppet server as a template. |
root@dlp:~ #
vi /usr/local/etc/puppet/fileserver.conf # create new # any name [extra_files] # path to to the directory for template files path /usr/local/etc/puppet/files # access permission # example below allows all # if set access permission, set like follows # ⇒ [allow] # ⇒ [allow *.srv.world] allow *
root@dlp:~ #
service puppetserver restart
root@dlp:~ #
vi /usr/local/etc/puppet/code/environments/production/manifests/file02.pp file { '/home/testfile3.txt': ensure => file, owner => 'root', group => 'wheel', mode => '0644', source => 'puppet://dlp.srv.world/extra_files/test.txt', } mkdir /usr/local/etc/puppet/files root@dlp:~ # echo "Puppet test file" > /usr/local/etc/puppet/files/test.txt |
[4] | It manages the configuration to keep a link. For example, it keeps [/home/testfile.link] from [/home/testfile.txt]. |
root@dlp:~ #
vi /usr/local/etc/puppet/code/environments/production/manifests/file03.pp file { '/home/testfile.link': ensure => link, target => '/home/testfile.txt', } |
[5] | It manages the configuration to keep a file does not exist. If it exists, it is deleted. |
root@dlp:~ #
vi /usr/local/etc/puppet/code/environments/production/manifests/file04.pp file { '/home/testfile4.txt': ensure => absent } |
[6] | It manages the configuration to keep a directory recursively. The example specifies [mode] as [644], however [x] is added automatically to directories as a matter of course. Furthermore, files or directories they do not exist in source directory are deleted with the parameter [purge] and [force]. |
root@dlp:~ #
vi /usr/local/etc/puppet/fileserver.conf # add to last line # specify the directory as a template source [extra_dir] path /usr/local/etc/puppet/dirs allow *
root@dlp:~ #
service puppetserver restart
root@dlp:~ #
vi /usr/local/etc/puppet/code/environments/production/manifests/file05.pp file { '/home/testdir': ensure => directory, recurse => true, purge => true, force => true, owner => 'root', group => 'wheel', mode => '0644', source => 'puppet://dlp.srv.world/extra_dir/testdir', } mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/puppet/dirs/testdir root@dlp:~ # touch /usr/local/etc/puppet/dirs/testdir/test.txt |
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