HAProxy : ACL Settings2024/04/16 |
It's possible to distribute requests to backend servers according to rules to set HAProxy ACL.
This example is based on the environment like follows. -----------+-------------+ | | | | +----------+-----------+ | | [ dlp.srv.world ] | | | HAProxy | | +----------------------+ | | -------------+-----------+--------------+---------- | | | | | | +-----------+----------+ | +-----------+----------+ | [ node01.srv.world ] | | | [ node02.srv.world ] | | Web Server#1 | | | Web Server#2 | +----------------------+ | +----------------------+ | -------------+-----------+--------------+---------- | | | | +-----------+----------+ +-----------+----------+ | [ node03.srv.world ] | | [ www.srv.world ] | | Web Server#3 | | Web Server#4 | +----------------------+ +----------------------+ |
[1] |
The syntax of ACL is like follows. acl <aclname> <criterion> [flags] [operator] [<value>] ...
For <aclname>, specify any ACL name you like, for [operator], some criteria support an operator. ⇒ https://www.haproxy.com/documentation/hapee/latest/onepage/#7.3.6 Follows are the list of criteria and flags that are expected to be often used.
[2] | Configure HAProxy. |
root@dlp:~ #
vi /usr/local/etc/haproxy.conf # add to last line frontend http-in bind *:80 # set ACL # [Host] in HTTP request header is [node01.srv.world] acl host_node01 hdr(Host) -i node01.srv.world # [Host] in HTTP request header begins with [node02] acl host_node02 hdr_beg(Host) -i node02 # [Host] in HTTP request header contains [develop] acl host_node03 hdr_sub(Host) -i develop # domain name of [Host] in HTTP request header is [virtual.host] acl host_virtual_host hdr_dom(Host) -i virtual.host # PATH in HTTP request begins with [/work] acl path_workdir path -m beg /work # PATH in HTTP request contains [test] acl path_testdir path_sub -i test # query in HTTP request contains [script] acl query_script query -m sub script # source client IP address is [] acl src_ip src -m ip # set action for each ACL use_backend www_node01 if host_node01 || path_workdir use_backend www_node02 if host_node02 || path_testdir use_backend www_node03 if host_node03 || query_script use_backend www_default if host_virtual_host || src_ip default_backend www_default backend www_node01 server node01 check backend www_node02 server node02 check backend www_node03 server node03 check backend www_default server www_default check service haproxy reload |
[3] | Verify working normally to access to the frontend HAproxy Server with each matching pattern. |
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