Fedora 33
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Samba : Access to Share from Clients (Fedora)2020/11/11

Access to Share from Client Hosts.
[1] On Fedora clients with CUI, access like follows.
[root@node01 ~]#
dnf -y install samba-client cifs-utils
# with [smbclient] command access

# smbclient (share name) -U (user name)

[root@node01 ~]#
smbclient '\\smb.srv.world\Share01' -U fedora

Enter SAMBA\fedora's password:
Try "help" to get a list of possible commands.
smb: \> ls 
  .                                   D        0  Wed Nov 11 19:48:57 2020
  ..                                  D        0  Wed Nov 11 19:46:08 2020
  Test_Folder                         D        0  Wed Nov 11 19:48:17 2020
  Test_File.txt                       N       10  Wed Nov 11 19:48:57 2020

                15718400 blocks of size 1024. 13552476 blocks available

# download a file
smb: \> mget "Test_File.txt" 
Get file Test_File.txt? y
getting file \Test_File.txt of size 10 as Test_File.txt (3.3 KiloBytes/sec) (average 3.3 KiloBytes/sec)
smb: \> !ls
 anaconda-ks.cfg  Test_File.txt
smb: \> exit

# with [mount] command access

# [vers=(SMB protocol version)]

[root@node01 ~]#
mount -t cifs -o vers=3.0,username=fedora '\\smb.srv.world\Share01' /mnt

Password for fedora@\smb.srv.world\Share01:  ********     # user's SMB password

[root@node01 ~]#
df -hT

Filesystem                     Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs                       devtmpfs  1.9G     0  1.9G   0% /dev
tmpfs                          tmpfs     2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                          tmpfs     786M  984K  785M   1% /run
/dev/mapper/fedora_fedora-root xfs        15G  2.1G   13G  14% /
tmpfs                          tmpfs     2.0G  4.0K  2.0G   1% /tmp
/dev/vda1                      xfs      1014M  248M  767M  25% /boot
tmpfs                          tmpfs     393M     0  393M   0% /run/user/0
\\smb.srv.world\Share01        cifs       15G  2.1G   13G  14% /mnt

# if a share does not require authentication, specify [none] for username

[root@node01 ~]#
mount -t cifs -o vers=3,username=none,password=none '\\smb.srv.world\Share' /mnt

Samba : Access to Share from Clients (Windows)
It's the way to access to the shared folder. This example is on Windows 10.
[2] Select [Computer] - [Network] - [Map Network Drive].
[3] Specify the shared folder Path on [Folder] section and Click the [Finish] button.
[4] Authentication is required if you set common shared folder with authetication, Input Samba username and password you added.
[5] After successing authentication, it's possbile to access to shared folder.
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