Add a User2010/11/23 |
Add a common user in order to make him to be able to run instance.
[1] | Access to 'https://(your frontend server):8443/' and move 'Users' tab and click 'Add user'. |
[2] | Input some informations for a user. Then check a box "Skip email comfirmation". If you don't check it, the account will not be active untill the user confirms on an email. |
[3] | Logout and Login again with a user. |
[4] | Get certificates. Click "Download Certificate" and save it on your local. If you got it on your client PC, Upload it with FTP or SFTP and so on. |
[5] | Login with a user and Install certificates on your frontend. |
[fedora@frontend ~]$ mkdir -p ~/.euca/certs [fedora@frontend ~]$ chmod -R 700 ~/.euca/certs [fedora@frontend ~]$ mv ~/.euca/certs [fedora@frontend ~]$ cd ~/.euca/certs [fedora@frontend certs]$ unzip Archive: To setup the environment run: source /path/to/eucarc inflating: eucarc inflating: cloud-cert.pem inflating: euca2-fedora-473badff-pk.pem inflating: euca2-fedora-473badff-cert.pem [fedora@frontend certs]$ rm [fedora@frontend certs]$ chmod 600 * [fedora@frontend certs]$ source eucarc [fedora@frontend certs]$ echo "source ~/.euca/certs/eucarc" >> ~/.bashrc [fedora@frontend certs]$ [fedora@frontend ~]$ euca-add-keypair my_key > ~/.euca/my_key [fedora@frontend ~]$ chmod 600 ~/.euca/my_key
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