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Configure WebDAV2011/03/10

  Here is the example to configure WebDAV.

[1] For example, Make a directory [security] that group is 'security' under /home, and it makes possible to connect to WebDAV directory only by SSL.
aptitude -y install libapache2-mod-encoding

mkdir /home/security

chown www-data. /home/security

chmod 770 /home/security

vi /etc/apache2/conf.d/webdav.conf

Alias /share /home/security
<Location /share>
   DAV On
   Options None
   AuthType Basic
   AuthName WebDAV
   AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/conf.d/.htpasswd
   <LimitExcept GET OPTIONS>
       Order allow,deny
       Allow from 10.0.0.
# IP address you allow

       Require valid-user

vi /etc/apache2/mods-available/encoding.conf

# create new

EncodingEngine on
SetServerEncoding UTF-8
DefaultClientEncoding UTF-8 CP932 EUCJP-MS
AddClientEncoding "Microsoft .* DAV 1.1" ASCII CP932 UTF-8
AddClientEncoding "Microsoft .* DAV" UTF-8 CP932
AddClientEncoding "(Microsoft .* DAV $)" UTF-8 CP932
AddClientEncoding "(Microsoft .* DAV 1.1)" CP932 UTF-8
AddClientEncoding "Microsoft-WebDAV*" UTF-8 CP932
AddClientEncoding "RMA/*" CP932
AddClientEncoding "xdwin9x/" CP932
AddClientEncoding "cadaver/" UTF-8 EUCJP-MS
AddClientEncoding "Mozilla/" EUCJP-MS

a2enmod dav* encoding

Enabling module dav.
Considering dependency dav for dav_fs:
Module dav already enabled
Enabling module dav_fs.
Enabling module dav_lock.
Enabling module encoding.
Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' to activate new configuration!
htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/conf.d/.htpasswd squeeze

New password:
# set password

Re-type new password:
# confirm

Adding password for user squeeze
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Restarting web server: apache2 ... waiting .
[2] It's a config of WebDAV on client PC (Windows 7). Install WebDAV Clietn and use as an example.

(1) Download CarotDAV from following site and Install it.

After installing, start CarotDAV and click 'Add' button and select 'WebDAV' like follows.
(2) Input any name in 'Setting Name' field, and for others, input URI, user-name, password set in [1].
(3) Click 'Connect' button.
(4) Following warning is shown because SSL certificate is own original one, it's no ploblem, Click 'Ignore' and go next.
(5) Just accessed.
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