PostgreSQL 15 : Backup and Restore2023/07/05 |
For Backup and Restore PostgreSQL Data, it's possible to run with [pg_dump] and [pg_restore].
[1] | Backup Databases. |
# available types for [--format=*]
# p = plain (SQL)
# c = custom (compression)
# t = tar
# d = directory
# [debian] user takes backup of [testdb]
debian@www:~$ pg_dump -U debian --format=t -d testdb > pg_testdb.tar debian@www:~$ total 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 debian debian 6656 Jul 4 22:36 pg_testdb.tar # admin user [postgres] takes backup of all databases postgres@www:~$ pg_dumpall -f ~/backups/pg_DB_all.sql postgres@www:~$ ll ~/backups total 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 3656 Jul 4 22:37 pg_DB_all.sql |
[2] | Restore Databases. |
# [debian] user restores [testdb] database from backup file debian@www:~$ pg_restore -U debian -d testdb pg_testdb.tar
# admin user [postgres] restores all database from backup file # if the type of backup file is SQL text, use [psql] command for restoring postgres@www:~$ psql -f ~/backups/pg_DB_all.sql |
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