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Ceph Pacific : Enable Dashboard2023/06/19

Enable Ceph Dashboard to manage Ceph Cluster on Web Console.
This example is based on the environment like follows.
        +--------------------+           |           +----------------------+
        |   []  |  ||    []   |
        |     Ceph Client    +-----------+-----------+        RADOSGW       |
        |                    |           |           |                      |
        +--------------------+           |           +----------------------+
            |                            |                            |
            |                   |                   | 
+-----------+-----------+    +-----------+-----------+    +-----------+-----------+
|   []  |    |   []  |    |   []  |
|     Object Storage    +----+     Object Storage    +----+     Object Storage    |
|     Monitor Daemon    |    |                       |    |                       |
|     Manager Daemon    |    |                       |    |                       |
+-----------------------+    +-----------------------+    +-----------------------+

[1] Enable Dashboard module on [Manager Daemon] Node.
Furthermore, Dashboard requires SSL/TLS. Create a self-signed certificate on this example.
apt -y install ceph-mgr-dashboard
ceph mgr module enable dashboard
# create self-signed certificate

ceph dashboard create-self-signed-cert

Self-signed certificate created
# create a user for Dashboard
# [ceph dashboard ac-user-create (username) -i (password file) administrator]

echo "password" > pass.txt

ceph dashboard ac-user-create serverworld -i pass.txt administrator

{"username": "serverworld", "password": "$2b$12$3A6Ls7qAuqVjrxaO2qx7LOJV0TxNWQ4bpfdxtB3aYiIRKJYETKgTe", "roles": ["administrator"], "name": null, "email": null, "lastUpdate": 1687150991, "enabled": true, "pwdExpirationDate": null, "pwdUpdateRequired": false}

# confirm Dashboard URL

ceph mgr services

    "dashboard": ""
[2] Access to the Dashboard URL from a Client Computer with Web Browser, then Ceph Dashboard Login form is shown.
Login as a user you just added in [1] section. After login, it's possible to see various status of Ceph Cluster.
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