CentOS Stream 8
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Ceph Quincy : Add or Remove Monitors2022/06/14

This is how to add or remove Monitor Daemons from exisiting Cluster.
        +--------------------+           |           +----------------------+
        |   [dlp.srv.world]  |  ||    [www.srv.world]   |
        |     Ceph Client    +-----------+-----------+        RADOSGW       |
        |                    |           |           |                      |
        +--------------------+           |           +----------------------+
            |                            |                            |
            |                   |                   | 
+-----------+-----------+    +-----------+-----------+    +-----------+-----------+
|   [node01.srv.world]  |    |   [node02.srv.world]  |    |   [node03.srv.world]  |
|     Object Storage    +----+     Object Storage    +----+     Object Storage    |
|     Monitor Daemon    |    |                       |    |                       |
|     Manager Daemon    |    |                       |    |                       |
+-----------------------+    +-----------------------+    +-----------------------+

[1] For example, Add a [node04] node for Monitor Daemon on Admin Node.
# transfer public key

[root@node01 ~]#
ssh-copy-id node04

# if Firewalld is running, allow service

[root@node01 ~]#
ssh node04 "firewall-cmd --add-service=ceph-mon; firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent"

# install required packages

[root@node01 ~]#
ssh node04 "dnf -y install centos-release-ceph-quincy epel-release; dnf -y install ceph"
# configure monitor map

[root@node01 ~]#
FSID=$(grep "^fsid" /etc/ceph/ceph.conf | awk {'print $NF'})

[root@node01 ~]#

[root@node01 ~]#

[root@node01 ~]#
monmaptool --add $NODENAME $NODEIP --fsid $FSID /etc/ceph/monmap

monmaptool: monmap file /etc/ceph/monmap
monmaptool: set fsid to 8df33401-6131-4c08-9ceb-3894ab029257
monmaptool: writing epoch 0 to /etc/ceph/monmap (2 monitors)

# configure Monitor Daemin

[root@node01 ~]#
scp /etc/ceph/ceph.conf node04:/etc/ceph/ceph.conf

[root@node01 ~]#
scp /etc/ceph/ceph.mon.keyring node04:/etc/ceph

[root@node01 ~]#
scp /etc/ceph/monmap node04:/etc/ceph

[root@node01 ~]#
ssh node04 "ceph-mon --cluster ceph --mkfs -i node04 --monmap /etc/ceph/monmap --keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.mon.keyring"

[root@node01 ~]#
ssh node04 "chown -R ceph. /etc/ceph /var/lib/ceph/mon"

[root@node01 ~]#
ssh node04 "ceph auth get mon. -o /etc/ceph/ceph.mon.keyring"

[root@node01 ~]#
ssh node04 "systemctl enable --now ceph-mon@node04"

[root@node01 ~]#
ssh node04 "ceph mon enable-msgr2"
[root@node01 ~]#
ceph -s

    id:     8df33401-6131-4c08-9ceb-3894ab029257
    health: HEALTH_OK

    mon: 2 daemons, quorum node01,node04 (age 30s)
    mgr: node01(active, since 54m)
    mds: 1/1 daemons up
    osd: 3 osds: 3 up (since 6m), 3 in (since 11m)
    rgw: 1 daemon active (1 hosts, 1 zones)

    volumes: 1/1 healthy
    pools:   7 pools, 209 pgs
    objects: 217 objects, 466 KiB
    usage:   196 MiB used, 480 GiB / 480 GiB avail
    pgs:     209 active+clean
[2] To remove a Monitor Daemon from existing Cluster, run commands like follows.
For example, Remove [node04] node.
[root@node01 ~]#
ceph -s

    id:     8df33401-6131-4c08-9ceb-3894ab029257
    health: HEALTH_OK

    mon: 2 daemons, quorum node01,node04 (age 30s)
    mgr: node01(active, since 54m)
    mds: 1/1 daemons up
    osd: 3 osds: 3 up (since 6m), 3 in (since 11m)
    rgw: 1 daemon active (1 hosts, 1 zones)

    volumes: 1/1 healthy
    pools:   7 pools, 209 pgs
    objects: 217 objects, 466 KiB
    usage:   196 MiB used, 480 GiB / 480 GiB avail
    pgs:     209 active+clean

# remove Monitor Daemon

[root@node01 ~]#
ceph mon remove node04

removing mon.node04 at [v2:,v1:], there will be 1 monitors
# disable monitor daemon

[root@node01 ~]#
ssh node04 "systemctl disable --now ceph-mon@node04.service"

[root@node01 ~]#
ceph -s

    id:     8df33401-6131-4c08-9ceb-3894ab029257
    health: HEALTH_OK

    mon: 1 daemons, quorum node01 (age 10s)
    mgr: node01(active, since 55m)
    mds: 1/1 daemons up
    osd: 3 osds: 3 up (since 8m), 3 in (since 12m)
    rgw: 1 daemon active (1 hosts, 1 zones)

    volumes: 1/1 healthy
    pools:   7 pools, 209 pgs
    objects: 217 objects, 466 KiB
    usage:   196 MiB used, 480 GiB / 480 GiB avail
    pgs:     209 active+clean
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