Initial Settings : Vim Settings2024/12/16 |
There are many cases to use text editor on CUI terminal, so it's more convenient to install editors with advanced features like Vim. |
[1] | Install Vim on this example. |
[root@dlp ~]# dnf -y install vim-enhanced |
[2] | Set command alias for your own environment. |
[root@dlp ~]#
vi ~/.bashrc # add alias to last line alias vi='vim'
# apply changes [root@dlp ~]# source ~/.bashrc
[3] | Configure Vim for each user environment. You may want to select and apply each parameter according to your own preferences. If you like to applly settings to all users as the system wide, add the settings in [/etc/vimrc]. |
[root@dlp ~]#
vi ~/.vimrc " use extended function of vim " it is no compatible with vi set nocompatible " specify character encoding set encoding=utf-8 " specify file encoding set fileencodings=utf-8 " specify file formats set fileformats=unix,dos " take backup " opposite is [ set nobackup ] set backup " specify backup directory set backupdir=~/backup " take 50 search histories set history=50 " ignore Case set ignorecase " distinct Capital if you mix it in search words set smartcase " highlights matched words " opposite is [ set nohlsearch ] set hlsearch " use incremental search " opposite is [ set noincsearch ] set incsearch " show line number " opposite is [ set nonumber ] set number " visualize break ( $ ) or tab ( ^I ) set list " highlights parentheses set showmatch " not insert LF at the end of file set binary noeol " set auto indent " opposite is [ noautoindent ] set autoindent " show color display " opposite is [ syntax off ] syntax on " change colors for comments if [ syntax on ] is set highlight Comment ctermfg=LightCyan " wrap lines " opposite is [ set nowrap ] set wrap |
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