CentOS 8
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KVM : Live Migration2019/10/08

This is the example to use Live Migration feature for Virtual Machines.
It requires 2 KVM host server and a storage server like follows.
Configure DNS or hosts to resolve names or IP addresses normally, first.
                      |   [  NFS Servver  ]  |
                      |     nfs.srv.world    |
                      |                      |
+----------------------+          |          +----------------------+
|  [   KVM Host #1  ]  | ||  [  KVM Host #2   ]  |
|                      +----------+----------+                      |
|    kvm01.srv.world   |                     |    kvm02.srv.world   |
+----------------------+                     +----------------------+

Configure Storage server that virtual machine images are placed. For Storage server, it's OK to use NFS, iSCSI, GlusterFS and so on. It uses NFS on this example.
Configure 2 KVM host server and mount a directory provided from Storage server on the same mount point on both KVM server. It uses [/var/kvm/images] for mount point on this example.
[3] On KVM Hosts, if SELinux is enabled and also uses NFS shared directory, change rules like follows.
[root@kvm01 ~]#
setsebool -P virt_use_nfs on
[4] On KVM Hosts, if Firewalld is running, allow ports.
[root@kvm01 ~]#
firewall-cmd --add-service={libvirt,libvirt-tls} --permanent

[root@kvm01 ~]#
firewall-cmd --add-port=49152-49215/tcp --permanent

[root@kvm01 ~]#
firewall-cmd --reload

[5] Create and Start a Virtual Machine on a KVM Host and run Live Migration like follows.
# edit setting of a VM

virsh edit centos8
 <disk type='file' device='disk'>
      # add: change cache mode to [none]
      <driver name='qemu' type='qcow2' cache='none'/>
      <source file='/var/kvm/images/centos7.img'/>

virsh start centos8

virsh list

 Id    Name                           State
 1     centos8                        running

[root@kvm01 ~]#
virsh migrate --live centos8 qemu+ssh://kvm02.srv.world/system

root@kvm02.srv.world's password:    
# root password
[root@kvm01 ~]#
virsh list

 Id    Name                           State
# just migrated
### on another KVM Host ###

[root@kvm02 ~]#
virsh list

 Id    Name                           State
 1     centos8                        running

# back to the KVM Host again like follows

[root@kvm02 ~]#
virsh migrate --live centos8 qemu+ssh://kvm01.srv.world/system

root@kvm02.srv.world's password:
[root@kvm02 ~]#
virsh list

 Id    Name                           State

Matched Content