CentOS 8
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Ceph Nautilus : Use File System2020/06/30

Configure a Client Host [dlp] to use Ceph Storage like follows.
        +--------------------+           |
        |   [dlp.srv.world]  |  |
        |     Ceph Client    +-----------+
        |                    |           |
        +--------------------+           |
            |                            |                            |
            |                   |                   | 
+-----------+-----------+    +-----------+-----------+    +-----------+-----------+
|   [node01.srv.world]  |    |   [node02.srv.world]  |    |   [node03.srv.world]  |
|     Object Storage    +----+     Object Storage    +----+     Object Storage    |
|     Monitor Daemon    |    |                       |    |                       |
|     Manager Daemon    |    |                       |    |                       |
+-----------------------+    +-----------------------+    +-----------------------+

For example, mount as Filesystem on a Client Host.
[1] Transfer SSH public key to Client Host and Configure it from Admin Node.
# transfer public key

[root@node01 ~]#
ssh-copy-id dlp

# install required packages

[root@node01 ~]#
ssh dlp "dnf -y install centos-release-ceph-nautilus"

[root@node01 ~]#
ssh dlp "dnf -y install ceph-fuse"
# transfer required files to Client Host

[root@node01 ~]#
scp /etc/ceph/ceph.conf dlp:/etc/ceph/

ceph.conf                                     100%  195    98.1KB/s   00:00
[root@node01 ~]#
scp /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring dlp:/etc/ceph/

ceph.client.admin.keyring                     100%  151    71.5KB/s   00:00
[root@node01 ~]#
ssh dlp "chown ceph. /etc/ceph/ceph.*"

[2] Configure MDS (MetaData Server) on a Node.
Configure it on [node01] Node on this example.
# create directory

# directory name ⇒ (Cluster Name)-(Node Name)

[root@node01 ~]#
mkdir -p /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-node01

[root@node01 ~]#
ceph-authtool --create-keyring /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-node01/keyring --gen-key -n mds.node01

creating /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-node01/keyring
[root@node01 ~]#
chown -R ceph. /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-node01

[root@node01 ~]#
ceph auth add mds.node01 osd "allow rwx" mds "allow" mon "allow profile mds" -i /var/lib/ceph/mds/ceph-node01/keyring

added key for mds.node01
[root@node01 ~]#
systemctl enable --now ceph-mds@node01

[3] Create 2 RADOS pools for Data and MeataData on MDS Node.
Refer to the official documents to specify the end number (64 on the example below)
⇒ http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/rados/operations/placement-groups/
[root@node01 ~]#
ceph osd pool create cephfs_data 64

pool 'cephfs_data' created
[root@node01 ~]#
ceph osd pool create cephfs_metadata 64

pool 'cephfs_metadata' created
[root@node01 ~]#
ceph fs new cephfs cephfs_metadata cephfs_data

new fs with metadata pool 3 and data pool 2
[root@node01 ~]#
ceph fs ls

name: cephfs, metadata pool: cephfs_metadata, data pools: [cephfs_data ]
[root@node01 ~]#
ceph mds stat

cephfs:1 {0=node01=up:active}
[root@node01 ~]#
ceph fs status cephfs

cephfs - 0 clients
| Rank | State  |  MDS   |    Activity   |  dns  |  inos |
|  0   | active | node01 | Reqs:    0 /s |   10  |   13  |
|       Pool      |   type   |  used | avail |
| cephfs_metadata | metadata | 1536k | 74.9G |
|   cephfs_data   |   data   |    0  | 74.9G |
| Standby MDS |
MDS version: ceph version 14.2.9 (581f22da52345dba46ee232b73b990f06029a2a0) nautilus (stable)
[4] Mount CephFS on a Client Host.
# Base64 encode client key

[root@dlp ~]#
ceph-authtool -p /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring > admin.key

[root@dlp ~]#
chmod 600 admin.key
[root@dlp ~]#
mount -t ceph node01.srv.world:6789:/ /mnt -o name=admin,secretfile=admin.key

[root@dlp ~]#
df -hT

Filesystem          Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs            devtmpfs  3.8G     0  3.8G   0% /dev
tmpfs               tmpfs     3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs               tmpfs     3.9G  8.5M  3.9G   1% /run
tmpfs               tmpfs     3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/cl-root xfs        26G  1.9G   25G   8% /
/dev/vda1           ext4      976M  259M  651M  29% /boot
tmpfs               tmpfs     781M     0  781M   0% /run/user/0    ceph       75G     0   75G   0% /mnt
Matched Content