Ansible : Use Playbook (include)2020/03/17 |
It's possible to include tasks or Playbooks from other Playbooks.
[1] | If you'd like to include other tasks, write [include: ***] in [tasks] section. |
[cent@dlp ~]$
vi playbook_sample.yml # include [included.yml] under the [tasks] directory - hosts: target_servers become: yes become_method: sudo tasks: - include: tasks/included.yml # OK to set task definition only - name: General packages are installed yum: name: "{{ packages }}" state: present vars: packages: - tar - wget - unzip tags: General_Packages ansible-playbook playbook_sample.yml --ask-become-pass BECOME password: PLAY [target_servers] ********************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [] ok: [] TASK [General packages are installed] ****************************************** changed: [] changed: [] PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 |
[2] | For import other Playbooks, use [import_playbook]. In additon to [1], include a Playbook that [httpd] is running. |
[cent@dlp ~]$
vi playbook_sample.yml - hosts: target_servers become: yes become_method: sudo tasks: - include: tasks/included.yml # include Playbook - import_playbook: httpd.yml
[cent@dlp ~]$
vi httpd.yml - hosts: target_servers become: yes become_method: sudo tasks: - name: httpd is installed yum: name: httpd state: present - name: httpd is running and enabled service: name: httpd state: started enabled: yes ansible-playbook playbook_sample.yml --ask-become-pass BECOME password: PLAY [target_servers] ********************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [] ok: [] TASK [General packages are installed] ****************************************** changed: [] changed: [] PLAY [target_servers] ********************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [] ok: [] TASK [httpd is installed] ****************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] TASK [httpd is running and enabled] ******************************************** changed: [] changed: [] PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* : ok=5 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 : ok=5 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 |
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