RabbitMQ : Use on Ruby2016/09/03 |
This is an example to use RabbitMQ on Ruby.
[1] | Install AMQP client library. |
[cent@dlp ~]$ gem install bunny Fetching: bunny-2.5.1.gem (100%) Successfully installed bunny-2.5.1 Parsing documentation for bunny-2.5.1 Installing ri documentation for bunny-2.5.1 1 gem installed |
[2] | This is an example of sending message on Ruby. For example, connect with RabbitMQ user "serverworld", virtualhost "my_vhost". |
[cent@dlp ~]$
vi send_msg.rb #!/usr/bin/env ruby require "bunny" connection = Bunny.new( :hostname => "", :port => 5672, :vhost => "/my_vhost", :user => "serverworld", :pass => "password", ) connection.start channel = connection.create_channel q = channel.queue("Hello_World") channel.default_exchange.publish("Hello RabbitMQ World!", :routing_key => q.name) puts " [x] Sent 'Hello RabbitMQ World!'" connection.close ruby send_msg.rb [x] Sent 'Hello RabbitMQ World!' |
[3] | This is an example of receiving message on Ruby. |
[cent@node01 ~]$
vi receive_msg.rb #!/usr/bin/env ruby require "bunny" Signal.trap(:INT){ puts "Exited from receiving queues." exit(0) } connection = Bunny.new( :hostname => "", :port => 5672, :vhost => "/my_vhost", :user => "serverworld", :pass => "password", ) connection.start channel = connection.create_channel q = channel.queue("Hello_World") puts " [*] Waiting for messages in #{q.name}. To exit press CTRL+C" q.subscribe(:block => true) do |delivery_info, properties, body| puts " [x] Received #{body}" delivery_info.consumer.cancel end ruby receive_msg.rb [*] Waiting for messages in Hello_World. To exit press CTRL+C [x] Received Hello RabbitMQ World! |
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