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OpenShift Origin 3.7 : Deploy Router2018/02/08

Deploy Router that is used within OpenShift Cluster.
If you installed OpenShift Origin like here, a Router Pod has already been deployed and running, but if it has not be running by some reason, configure it like follows.
This example is based on the environment like follows.
           |                    |                    |
+----------+-----------+      +----------+-----------+      +----------+-----------+
|  [  dlp.srv.world ]  |      | [ node01.srv.world ] |      | [ node02.srv.world ] |
|     (Master Node)    |      |    (Compute Node)    |      |    (Compute Node)    |
|     (Compute Node)   |      |                      |      |                      |
+----------------------+      +----------------------+      +----------------------+

[1] Make sure the default Router which Installer has configured exists or not.
[origin@dlp ~]$
oc adm router --dry-run --service-account=router

Router "router" service exists
[origin@dlp ~]$
oc get pods

NAME                       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
docker-registry-1-95lsw    1/1       Running   1          34m
registry-console-1-xtz52   1/1       Running   1          25m
router-1-btps5             1/1       Running   2          18h

# if you'd like to delete default Router, do like follows

[origin@dlp ~]$
oc delete all -l router

deploymentconfig "router" deleted
service "router" deleted
pod "router-1-8sh8d" deleted
[2] On Master Node, Create and deploy Router. On this example, create a HAProxy Router which is the same settings with default Router Installer configures.
[origin@dlp ~]$
oc adm router router --selector="region=infra" --replicas=1 --service-account=router

info: password for stats user admin has been set to FSEK9sUJPc
--> Creating router router ...
    warning: serviceaccounts "router" already exists
    warning: clusterrolebinding.authorization.openshift.io "router-router-role" already exists
    deploymentconfig "router" created
    service "router" created
--> Success

# few minutes later, deploy has finished and Pod becomes running state

[origin@dlp ~]$
oc get pods

NAME                       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
docker-registry-1-95lsw    1/1       Running   1          35m
registry-console-1-xtz52   1/1       Running   1          27m
router-1-mqh85             1/1       Running   0          36s
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