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OpenStack Havana - Configure Nova2013/10/22

Install and Configure OpenStack Compute Service (Nova).
[1] Install Nova
# install from EPEL OpenStack, EPEL

[root@dlp ~]#
yum --enablerepo=openstack-havana,epel -y install openstack-nova
[2] Configure Nova
# set database ( set any password you like for "password" section )

[root@dlp ~]#
openstack-db --init --service nova --password password

Please enter the password for the 'root' MySQL user:  
# MySQL root password

Verified connectivity to MySQL.
Creating 'nova' database.
Updating 'nova' database password in /etc/nova/nova.conf
Initializing the nova database, please wait...
[root@dlp ~]#
vi /etc/nova/nova.conf
# line 59 : uncomment and change to the own IP

my_ip =
# line 65 : uncomment and change to the own hostname)

host =
# line 68 : uncomment if not need

use_ipv6 = false
# line 100 : uncomment

state_path = /var/lib/nova
# line 191 : uncomment

enabled_apis = ec2,osapi_compute,metadata
# line 197 : uncomment

ec2_listen =
# line 200 : uncomment

ec2_listen_port = 8773
# line 206 : uncomment

osapi_compute_listen =
# line 209 : uncomment

osapi_compute_listen_port = 8774
# line 237 : uncomment

network_manager = nova.network.manager.FlatDHCPManager
# line 274 : uncomment

rootwrap_config = /etc/nova/rootwrap.conf
# line 287 : uncomment

api_paste_config = api-paste.ini
# line 320 : uncomment and change

auth_strategy =
# line 909 : uncomment

glance_host = $my_ip
# line 912 : uncomment

glance_port = 9292
# line 916 : uncomment

glance_protocol = http
# line 921 : uncomment

glance_api_servers = $glance_host:$glance_port
# line 980 : uncomment

network_api_class = nova.network.api.API
# line 988 : uncomment

network_driver = nova.network.linux_net
# line 1060 : uncomment

dhcpbridge_flagfile = /etc/nova/nova.conf
# line 1066 : uncomment and specify nic for public

public_interface =
# line 1072 : uncomment

dhcpbridge = /usr/bin/nova-dhcpbridge
# line 1101 : uncomment

linuxnet_interface_driver = nova.network.linux_net.LinuxBridgeInterfaceDriver
# line 1146 : uncomment and specify any name you like for bridge

flat_network_bridge =
# line 1157 : uncomment and specify nic for flat DHCP bridge

flat_interface =
# line 1308 : uncomment

security_group_api = nova
# line 1434 : uncomment

log_dir = /var/log/nova
# line 1457 : uncomment and add

notification_driver =
# line 1491 : uncomment

rpc_backend = nova.openstack.common.rpc.impl_qpid
# line 1596 : uncomment and specify Qpid server

qpid_hostname =
# line 1599 : uncomment

qpid_port = 5672
# line 1801 : uncomment

scheduler_default_filters = RetryFilter,AvailabilityZoneFilter,RamFilter,ComputeFilter,ComputeCapabilitiesFilter,ImagePropertiesFilter

# line 1919 : uncomment

compute_driver = libvirt.LibvirtDriver
# line 1940 : uncomment

firewall_driver = nova.virt.libvirt.firewall.IptablesFirewallDriver
# line 1970 : uncomment

libvirt_type = kvm
# line 2011 : uncomment

libvirt_vif_driver = nova.virt.libvirt.vif.LibvirtGenericVIFDriver
# line 2147 : uncomment

libvirt_use_virtio_for_bridges = true
# line 3377 : uncomment and specify tenant name

admin_tenant_name =
# line 3380 : uncomment and specify admin user

admin_user =
# line 3383 : uncomment and specify admin password

admin_password =
# line 3386 : uncomment and specify Keystone server

auth_host =
# line 3389 : uncomment

auth_por t= 35357
# line 3392 : uncomment

auth_protocol = http
# line 3395 : uncomment

auth_version = v2.0
# line 3400 : uncomment

signing_dir = /var/lib/nova/keystone-signing
[root@dlp ~]#
for service in api objectstore compute conductor network scheduler cert consoleauth; do
/etc/rc.d/init.d/openstack-nova-$service start
chkconfig openstack-nova-$service on

Starting openstack-nova-api:                               [  OK  ]
Starting openstack-nova-objectstore:                       [  OK  ]
Starting openstack-nova-compute:                           [  OK  ]
Starting openstack-nova-conductor:                         [  OK  ]
Starting openstack-nova-network:                           [  OK  ]
Starting openstack-nova-scheduler:                         [  OK  ]
Starting openstack-nova-cert:                              [  OK  ]
Starting openstack-nova-consoleauth:                       [  OK  ]

# start cert again because it is down at first booting

[root@dlp ~]#
/etc/rc.d/init.d/openstack-nova-cert start

Starting openstack-nova-cert: [ OK ]
# confirm status

[root@dlp ~]#
nova-manage service list

Binary           Host                    Zone            Status     State Updated_At
nova-scheduler   dlp.srv.world        internal        enabled    :-)   2013-10-22 13:54:12
nova-network     dlp.srv.world        internal        enabled    :-)   2013-10-22 13:54:13
nova-cert        dlp.srv.world        internal        enabled    :-)   2013-10-22 13:54:12
nova-consoleauth dlp.srv.world        internal        enabled    :-)   2013-10-22 13:54:12
nova-conductor   dlp.srv.world        internal        enabled    :-)   2013-10-22 13:54:12
nova-compute     dlp.srv.world        nova            enabled    :-)   2013-10-22 13:54:13
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