VMware ESXi 8
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Use iSCSI Storage2024/01/15

Attach iSCSI Storages on the network and use them as Datastore.
On this example, it uses iSCSI storage by Linux Server like here.
Also it allows the IQN below on the iSCSI Target Server for ESXi Host.
⇒ iqn.2024-01.world.srv:ctrl.initiator01
[1] To configure on shell access, set like follows.
# enable iSCSI feature

esxcli iscsi software set --enabled true

Software iSCSI Enabled
esxcli iscsi software get

esxcli iscsi adapter list

Adapter  Driver     State   UID            Description
-------  ---------  ------  -------------  -----------
vmhba64  iscsi_vmk  online  iscsi.vmhba64  iSCSI Software Adapter

esxcli iscsi adapter get -A vmhba64

   Name: iqn.1998-01.com.vmware:ctrl.srv.world:723525480:64
   Alias: iscsi_vmk
   Vendor: VMware
   Model: iSCSI Software Adapter
   Description: iSCSI Software Adapter
   Serial Number:
   Hardware Version:
   Asic Version:
   Firmware Version:
   Option Rom Version:
   Driver Name: iscsi_vmk
   Driver Version:
   TCP Protocol Supported: false
   Bidirectional Transfers Supported: false
   Maximum Cdb Length: 64
   Can Be NIC: false
   Is NIC: false
   Is Initiator: true
   Is Target: false
   Using TCP Offload Engine: false
   Using ISCSI Offload Engine: false

# changte IQN to the one that is set in ACL of iSCSI Target
# * if you do not like to change the default IQN, allow the default IQN on the iSCSI Target side

esxcli iscsi adapter set -A vmhba64 -n iqn.2024-01.world.srv:ctrl.initiator01

esxcli iscsi adapter get -A vmhba64

   Name: iqn.2024-01.world.srv:ctrl.initiator01
   Alias: iscsi_vmk
   Vendor: VMware

# set username and password for CHAP authentication configured on iSCSI Target ACL

esxcli iscsi adapter auth chap set --direction=uni --authname=username --secret=password --level=discouraged -A vmhba64
# discover iSCSI Target

esxcli iscsi adapter discovery sendtarget add --address= -A vmhba64

# login to iSCSI Target

esxcli storage core adapter rescan -A vmhba64

esxcli iscsi session list

   Adapter: vmhba64
   Target: iqn.2024-01.world.srv:dlp.target01
   ISID: 00023d000001
   TargetPortalGroupTag: 1
   AuthenticationMethod: chap
   DataPduInOrder: true
   DataSequenceInOrder: true
   DefaultTime2Retain: 0
   DefaultTime2Wait: 2
   ErrorRecoveryLevel: 0
   FirstBurstLength: 65536
   ImmediateData: true
   InitialR2T: true
   MaxBurstLength: 262144
   MaxConnections: 1
   MaxOutstandingR2T: 1
   TSIH: 3

esxcli storage core device capacity list

Device                                                                    Physical Blocksize  Logical Blocksize  Logical Block Count        Size  Format Type
------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  -------------------  ----------  -----------
t10.ATA_____QEMU_HARDDISK___________________________QM00007_____________                 512                512            335544320  163840 MiB  512n
t10.ATA_____QEMU_HARDDISK___________________________QM00001_____________                 512                512            167772160   81920 MiB  512n
naa.6001405a0ddc10da9914ab39dfe05eef                                                     512                512             20971520   10240 MiB  512n
# ↑ iSCSI storage
t10.ATA_____QEMU_HARDDISK___________________________QM00009_____________                 512                512            335544320  163840 MiB  512n
t10.ATA_____QEMU_HARDDISK___________________________QM00003_____________                 512                512            335544320  163840 MiB  512n
t10.ATA_____QEMU_HARDDISK___________________________QM00005_____________                 512                512            335544320  163840 MiB  512n
[2] After conneting to iSCSI storage, it's the same way to create Datastore on it with Localdisk.
partedUtil get "/vmfs/devices/disks/naa.6001405a0ddc10da9914ab39dfe05eef"

1305 255 63 20971520
[root@ctrl:~] partedUtil setptbl \
"/vmfs/devices/disks/naa.6001405a0ddc10da9914ab39dfe05eef" gpt \
"1 2048 $(expr 20971520 - 2048) AA31E02A400F11DB9590000C2911D1B8 0" 
0 0 0 0
1 2048 20969472 AA31E02A400F11DB9590000C2911D1B8 0

[root@ctrl:~] vmkfstools -C vmfs6 -S iSCSI-Store \
create fs deviceName:'/vmfs/devices/disks/naa.6001405a0ddc10da9914ab39dfe05eef:1', fsShortName:'vmfs6', fsName:'iSCSI-Store'
deviceFullPath:/dev/disks/naa.6001405a0ddc10da9914ab39dfe05eef:1 deviceFile:naa.6001405a0ddc10da9914ab39dfe05eef:1
Checking if remote hosts are using this device as a valid file system. This may take a few seconds...
Creating vmfs6 file system on "naa.6001405a0ddc10da9914ab39dfe05eef:1" with blockSize 1048576, unmapGranularity 1048576, unmapPriority default and volume label "iSCSI-Store".
Successfully created new volume: 65a4fbbe-a24b1307-e785-5254003acc4c

esxcli storage vmfs extent list

Volume Name                                 VMFS UUID                            Extent Number  Device Name                                                               Partition
------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------
iSCSI-Store                                 65a4fbbe-a24b1307-e785-5254003acc4c              0  naa.6001405a0ddc10da9914ab39dfe05eef                                              1
OSDATA-658296fd-86bd1530-6a78-5254003acc4c  658296fd-86bd1530-6a78-5254003acc4c              0  t10.ATA_____QEMU_HARDDISK___________________________QM00001_____________          7

esxcli storage filesystem list

Mount Point                                        Volume Name                                 UUID                                 Mounted  Type           Size         Free
-------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -------  ------  -----------  -----------
/vmfs/volumes/65a4fbbe-a24b1307-e785-5254003acc4c  iSCSI-Store                                 65a4fbbe-a24b1307-e785-5254003acc4c     true  VMFS-6  10468982784   8960081920
/vmfs/volumes/658296fd-86bd1530-6a78-5254003acc4c  OSDATA-658296fd-86bd1530-6a78-5254003acc4c  658296fd-86bd1530-6a78-5254003acc4c     true  VMFSOS  77040975872  73564946432
/vmfs/volumes/0df11024-834cb32d-0dac-c488aa9626f7  BOOTBANK1                                   0df11024-834cb32d-0dac-c488aa9626f7     true  vfat     4293591040   4000382976
/vmfs/volumes/e704ddac-404e317b-7284-6597e86d9b29  BOOTBANK2                                   e704ddac-404e317b-7284-6597e86d9b29     true  vfat     4293591040   4293525504
[3] To detach iSCSI Storages, operate like follows.
# switch to maintenance mode

esxcli system maintenanceMode set --enable true

esxcli system maintenanceMode get

# remove iSCSI session

esxcli iscsi session remove -A vmhba64

# remove iSCSI Target setting

esxcli iscsi adapter discovery sendtarget remove --address= -A vmhba64

# set CHAP setting to the default to clear the current setting

esxcli iscsi adapter auth chap set --default -A vmhba64
# restart system

esxcli system shutdown reboot -r "2024-01-15 Maintenance"

# after restarting, release maintenance mode

esxcli system maintenanceMode set --enable false

# if also disable iSCSI feature, set like follows

esxcli iscsi software set --enabled false

Software iSCSI Disabled.
To configure on VMware Host Client, set like follows.
[4] Login to VMware Host Client with root user account and click [Storage] icon that is under [Navigator] menu.
[5] Click [Software iSCSI] button.
[6] Input CHAP username and password, Hostname or IP address of iSCSI Target, and Click [Save configuration] button.
[7] After successfully connected to iSCSI storage, it will be listed under the [Devices] pane.
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